Christmas ornament

It's that time of the year again! The holidays are almost here and we all want to give our family and friends something very special, something that will bring pleasure and last for many years. A great idea is giving a unique, one-of-a-kind Christmas ornament.

We begin by inflating small size a balloon(keep in mind that your ornament will be at least 1.5 smaller when it's done!). Next, we will apply wool rowing to the surface of the balloon using soapy water to smooth it out and make the wool rowing adhere. We'll make sure that we are laying the wool rowing in a different direction. Then we roll the wool-covered balloon on bubble wrap to secure the fibers together. We wrap the balloon in a towel and do it again.

When we see the fibers sticking together we release the balloon and wash the ornament with warm water and start rubbing the fleece against the bubble wrap while adding hand soap. We gently add more pressure to make the surface of the ornament stronger. And we then wash the ornament in warm water with a tablespoon of vinegar.  

  We spray with Stiffen Quick Fabric Stiffening Spray and rub it into the surface. We carefully place our balloon inside our ornament and inflate it to the desired size. We let our ornament dry on the inflated balloon and then we decorate our ornament with embroidery or applique.

Have fun while creating memories for the people we love!


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